fMRI-Compatible Tablet Device

Our laboratory has developed an fMRI-compatible tablet device that allows brain activity to be studied for realistic writing and drawing behaviour. This innovation enables brain mapping of established neuropsychological tests, commonly used in \"pencil and paper\" formats by clinicians to assess brain function.
The Graham Lab\'s fMRI-compatible tablet ready for fMRI, from Tam, Churchill, Strother and Graham (2011).

Key Features and Achievements

  • Enables brain mapping of neuropsychological tests directly relevant to clinicians.
  • Supports tasks like the Trail Making Test, a widely used \"paper and pencil\" measure of frontal lobe function.
  • Over 10 prototypes have been fabricated for research labs globally.
  • Recently patented due to its commercial potential in both the neuroscience research and clinical MRI markets.

Ongoing Work

We are currently using the tablet to:
  • Characterize brain activity during multiple neuropsychological tests.
  • Develop fMRI biomarkers for early detection of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • This research is funded by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.
To read more about our tablet, see lab equipment. If you are interested in potentially purchasing a tablet device, please contact 

Recent Publications

Lin Z, Tam F, Churchill NW, Schweizer TA, Graham SJ. Sensors (Basel). 2021 Jan 8;21(2):401. doi: 10.3390/s21020401. PMID: 33430023